UNECE. International Workshop on Methane
The 4th project progress meeting in KROSNO
The 4th progress meeting was organized by INiG in KROSNO (Poland). The meeting aimed to exchange information on the progress of each partner within the project. All the representatives of the project partners attended the meeting, both in person and online. The results of the work under WP2 demonstrate that the detailed dynamic and geomechanical model simulations satisfactorily reproduce measured data of methane inflow to goaf regions. The concept of sealing the isolation dams and the list of materials proposed to be used by JSW for sealing were presented. Further, WP3 was discussed in terms of possible risks and economic issues.
Proposal to ESA Earth Observation approved
On 11.09.2024, the European Space Agency granted Project Proposal PP0100170 —Methane spatial data acquisition (GHGSat Imagery) to verify the accuracy of the methodology to monitor Ventilation Air Methane (VAM) emissions through coal mines’ shafts elaborated under the EU co-funded REM. We are pleased to inform that under the REM Project we were granted a package of satellite imagery provided by GHGSAT to develop WP2.
4th REM Steering Committee meeting
The main objective of the meeting, which took place at Pniówek Mine, Pawłowice, was to discuss the progress in developing the 3D structural models. Also, work performed under the leadership of Prof. Eugeniusz Krause was delivered, and possible locations of boreholes were given. Finally, the determination of the drainage trajectories was discussed. Aleksander Wrana introduced new drones bought under the REM project for CH4 measurements and their functionalities.
The 3rd project progress meeting in OVIEDO
The 3rd progress meeting was organized by UNIOVI in OVIEDO. The meeting
aimed to exchange information on the progress of each partner within the
project. The meeting was well attended by all the representatives of the
project partners. The main discussion was on the findings of the research on
methods to seal methane reservoirs to intensify the capture of methane with a
low content - less than 30% and on the concept, design and construction of a
methane drainage installation.
High-level RFCS Event
The event called “European Coal in Transition: rising like a phoenix” organised by EURACOAL and the European Commission’s Research Executive Agency (REA) took place in Pozo Sotón, Oviedo, Spain. The mail goal of the event was to promote the RFCS research programme calls and discuss future priorities. Paul Webb, Head of Department B “Green Europe” and responsible for the RFCS research programme at REA, opened the workshop with a statement that drew parallels between the current energy transition and coal phase-outs in the EU and the mine closures in his native Britain during the 1980s. He warned of the social and economic consequences for the affected communities that can be avoided through well-targeted support.
Artur Badylak, Director of the Demethanisation and Energy Management Office at JSW—Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A., and Aleksander Wrana, project coordinator, delivered a presentation on the REM project and its main expected results concerning the reduction of methane emissions from post-mining goafs. This presentation was followed by a panel discussion on methane regulation and control, which involved REM project partners.
Global Methane Forum 2024
A presentation at the GLOBAL METHANE FORUM 2024 at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) within the framework of ‘The 19th Session of the UNECE Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition’, entitled ‘Experimental Mine “BARBARA” in Mikołów (Poland) VAM - MRV related activities and possibilities’ (Geneva, Switzerland, 20 March 2024) was given by Dr Jacek Skiba. The presentation included an assessment (balance sheet) of methane emissions to ventilation air and to the atmosphere. In this task, UAS technology will be applied to verify VAM emissions from return shafts of underground coal mines. The first tests will be carried out at the Barbara Experimental Mine (a division of GIG-PIB) using in situ conditions and identical measuring and monitoring equipment (VAM flow rate and CH4 content) as in active mines.
3rd REM Steering Committee meeting
The main objective of the meeting, which took place at Pniówek Mine, Pawłowice, was to introduce a new coordinator of the project, MSc Aleksander Wrana from GIG-PIB. The main discussion was on the introscopic survey planned in the next couple of weeks (-90º and + 90º boreholes) and a future mass tightness test. The rest of the meeting was devoted to discussing the concept of constructing methane drainage pipelines in shaft V.
The 2nd project progress meeting in Bucarest
The 2nd progress meeting was organized by INSEMEX in Rumania. The aim of the meeting was to exchange information on the progress of each partner within the project. The meeting was well attended by all the representatives of the project partners, as well as the managing directors of the INSEMEX research institutes. The main discussion was on the identification of methane accumulation locations in reservoirs for its capture by a reduced methane content installation (less than 30%).
2nd REM Steering Committee meeting
The main objective of the meeting, which took place at Pniówek Mine, Pawłowice, was to inform all the representatives of the REM partners about the project development and future plans, as well as challenges to overcome. The main discussion was on the results of laboratory tests for the coal gas characteristics, as well as the integrated geological, geotechnical and fluid flow modelling and simulation progress.
Meeting with INSTRAT
The main objective of the meeting which took place at the Barbara Mine was to discuss the portfolio of available methods to control CH4 emissions from the mines. REM project ambitions were presented. INSTRAT is a progressive think-tank focused on public policy advisory. They provide research and consult on digital economy, energy and environment, sustainable finance, labour market and inequalities.
The 26th World Mining Congress
WMC took place in Brisbane, Australia, 26-29 June and was attended by 3,300 delegates from 73 countries. In total, over one hundred presentations were given and more than 300 posters were presented on the topics of: Geosciences, Mining Science and Engineering, Critical Minerals, Environmental Sustainability, Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence, Health, Safety and Wellbeing, Future Workforce and Education, and Decarbonisation. Also project REM was presented by Artur Badylak under the presentation titled: ‘Methane Reduction Emissions as a JSW Capital Group’s Environmental Strategy Main Goal’ (Technology & Operations session)
RFCS Workshop, European Parliament
This workshop, kindly hosted by MEP Ondřej Knotek in the European Parliament was organised by EURACOAL to promote the EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). Given the interest of MEPs in the proposed Methane Regulation (COM/2021/805), projects to manage coal mine methane were presented by experts in this field from industry and academia. The REM project was presented by Mr. Artur Badylak, Director – Demethanisation and Energy Management Office at Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa (JSW) – Europe’s largest coking coal producer.
Pniówek Mine, Pawłowice
A working meeting was held to discuss the necessary data for the construction of the infrastructure in the vicinity of the V shaft. As part of the meeting, an on-site visit was conducted with the participation of employees of the JSW Management Board, the Central Mining Institute and the Pniówek Mine.
The REM project was officially launched on March 30-31, 2023
Presentations from the Kick-off meeting.